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Jumat, 26 April 2019

PKK, Layakkah Tetap Bernaung di Bawah FT?

Oleh Luthfiyah Nurlaela

Tulisan ini diilhami oleh sebuah kegelisahan yang cukup lama sekali mengendap. Sejak munculnya kebijakan wider mandate bagi lembaga pendidikan tenaga kependidikan (LPTK), atau Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (IKIP), pada tahun 1999. Dengan kebijakan perluasan mandat tersebut, IKIP yang awalnya hanya menaungi program studi pendidikan, diizinkan untuk membuka program studi murni. Sejak saat itu, fakultas pendidikan teknologi kejuruan (FPTK) di semua IKIP negeri berubah menjadi fakultas teknik (FT). Mulai saat itu juga, keberadaan jurusan PKK di bawah FT sebenarnya sungguh sangat tidak relevan.
Sejarah PKK masuk dalam payung FT tidak terlepas dari sejarah Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan di Indonesia. PKK sebelumnya bernaung di bawah Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP). Lantas pada tahun 1983, di IKIP Surabaya (yang sekarang menjadi Unesa), berdasar Surat Keputusan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, nama Fakultas Keguruan Teknik (FKT) berubah menjadi Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan (FPTK). Bersamaan dengan itu juga PKK yang sebelumnya berada di bawah FIP, berintegrasi di bawah FPTK. Pengintegrasian ini tentu saja dengan salah satu pertimbangan karena PKK mengandung muatan teknologi dan kejuruan.
PKK, yang di dalamnya terdapat program studi tata boga, tata busana, dan tata rias, salah satu tugas utamanya adalah menyiapkan guru-guru di SMK Kelompok Pariwisata. Sama halnya degan Teknik Mesin, Teknik Bangunan, Teknik Elektro, yang berada dalam naungan FT, salah satu tugas pokoknya adalah menyiapkan guru-guru di SMK, namun dalam kelompok Teknologi dan Rekayasa. Maka sangat bisa dipahami bila PKK bergabung dalam payung FPTK. Saat itu.
Pada tahun 1999, sejalan dengan kebijakan “wider mandate”, IKIP Surabaya berubah menjadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya melalui Surat Keputusan Presiden RI Nomor 93 tahun 1999. Pada saat itu, Jurusan PKK sebenarnya mulai tidak terlalu ‘match’ ada dalam payung FT, karena basic keilmuan di FT adalah “pure engineering”. Namun demikian, karena belum memungkinkan untuk melepaskan diri dan menjadi fakultas yang berdiri sendiri, PKK tetap terintegrasi dalam FT sampai sekarang.
Pada tahun 2017, jurusan PKK mulai menyusun naskah akademik dan proposal pendirian fakultas. Nama yang diusulkan awalnya adalah Fakultas Ilmu Kesejahteraan Keluarga (FIKK). Beberapa kali naskah akademik dan proposal direvisi berdasarkan masukan dari berbagai pihak, termasuk pihak rektorat dan Ristekdikti. Nama terakhir yang disetujui oleh Ristekdikti, setelah dilakukan visitasi, adalah Fakultas Ilmu Keluarga dan Kewirausahaan (FIKK).
Selanjutnya pada awal Agustus 2018, Direktorat Jenderal Kelembagaan Ilmu Pengetahuan, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Dirjen Kelembagaan Iptek dan Dikti) Kemristekdikti, menerbitkan surat tentang usul pendirian FIKK, bersamaan dengan usul pendirian Fakultas Seni dan Desain. Isi surat tertanggal 7 Agustus 2018 itu intinya adalah Kemristekdikti tidak keberatan atas usul pendirian kedua fakultas tersebut. Pada saat itu, jurusan PKK sangat optimis bisa berdiri sendiri sebagai fakultas yang terpisah dengan FT.
Setelah ditunggu berberapa bulan, bahkan sudah melewati tahun 2018 dan menginjak 2019, surat izin dari kemristekdikti belum juga terbit. Ternyata penantian itu sia-sia. Berdasarkan surat dari Dirjen Kelembagaan Iptek dan Dikti tertanggal 14 Februari 2019, diberitahukan bahwa usul pendirian fakultas FIKK tidak dapat diproses lebih lanjut. Dalam surat tersebut, alasan penolakan tidak dijelaskan.

            Kajian Historis dan Body of Knowledge Ilmu Kesejahteraan Keluarga (IKK)
Di atas disinggung bahwa setelah FPTK menjadi FT, sesungguhnya PKK sudah tidak relevan lagi berada dalam naungan FT. Untuk menjelaskan hal ini, perlu dicermati tubuh keilmuan (body of knowledge) Ilmu Kesejahteraan Keluarga (IKK), yang merupakan core keilmuan PKK.
IKK diterjemahkan dari istilah Home Economics dan/atau Family and Consumer Sciences. Dua istilah ini secara luas digunakan di negara-negara maju seperti Amerika, Australia, dan negara-negara Eropa, dan juga beberapa negara di Asia.
Menilik sejarahnya, IKK mulai diajarkan secara formal sejak 1871, saat kelas home economics pertama dibuka di Iowa State College, dengan mata kuliah yang disebut ‘domestic economy’. Disusul kemudian oleh Kansas Agricultural College tahun 1873, dan Illinois Industrial University pada tahun 1874. Sejak saat itu, kesempatan pendidikan bagi perempuan terbuka luas.
Pada tahun 1899, pelatihan-pelatihan yang bersifat akademik dan pendidikan bagi orang dewasa, bersamaan dengan meningkatnya jumlah imigran, industrialisasi, dan urbanisasi, menjadi embrio pengembangan disiplin ilmu IKK, yang digagas pertama kali di Konferensi Lake Placid tentang Home Economics. The Lake Placid Conferences on Home Economics (1899–1909) juga menghasilkan American Home Economics Association (AHEA) dan Journal of Home Economics. Misi bidang Home Economics sebagaimana dikemukan adalah “to improve family wellbeing by enabling families to be successful in their reciprocal relationships with the environments in which they function. “
Perkembangan home economics dan tubuh pengetahuannya (body of knowledge) mulai dipertimbangkan pada akhir abad ke-19, dan mengalami perubahan yang cepat sebagai akibat dari revolusi industri. Perubahan ini memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap isu-isu sosial kehidupan keluarga, kesehatan, pendidikan dan kesejahteraan, dan mengubah tatanan keluarga dan kehidupan keluarga (Reiger, 1986). IKK muncul sebagai dampak dari isu-isu sosial pada kesehatan dan kesejahteraan keluarga.
Pada awalnya (1880-1924) IKK muncul dalam menanggapi isu-isu sosial saat itu. Hal ini dianggap sebagai fase yang sangat progresif, disertai dengan gelombang pertama feminisme yang melegitimasi pekerjaan perempuan. Dasar dari kajian ini adalah praktek kerja diintegrasikan dengan misi sosial. Body of knowledge IKK meliputi: sanitasi, kesehatan, manajemen keluarga dengan menggunakan dasar-dasar ilmiah, serta pengakuan kontribusi bidang seni dan masuknya perspektif sosial dan filosofis. Pengajaran keterampilan hidup (life skill) adalah fokus utama dari IKK pada awalnya (AAFCS, 2006).
Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, penekanan IKK bergeser ke fokus yang lebih besar yaitu pada manajemen dan efisiensi dalam menghadapi iklim sosial, ekonomi dan politik (akibat  Perang Dunia 2). Paradigma ilmiah terus dimanfaatkan untuk memperjuangkan kesejahteraan individu, bersamaan dengan penekanan pada ekonomi konsumen (consumer economics).
IKK merespon peningkatan konsumerisme dengan terus fokus pada konsumen dan paradigma ilmiah (1961-1981). Selama tahun 1970-an paradigma organismik diadopsi. Paradigma ini mengidentifikasi pentingnya hubungan antara individu dan anggota keluarga (McGregor, 1997). Paradigma organismik memaknai keluarga adalah sebuah kesatuan dimana di dalamnya terdapat bagian–bagian yang dibedakan. Bagian-bagian dari sistem tersebut mempunyai fungsi masing–masing yang membuat sistem menjadi seimbang.
Selanjutnya (1982-2002), adalah periode globalisasi dan post-modern. IKK terus fokus pada pentingnya keluarga dan kebutuhan keluarga. Dalam menanggapi perubahan sosial yang cepat, IKK mempromosikan penggunaan paradigma kontekstual, yaitu sebuah perspektif kritis global yang eco-centered.
Selanjutnya pada 2006, IKK mengalami kebangkitan global sebagai komunitas, bergulat dengan sejumlah masalah yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan, berkaitan secara langsung dengan pilihan makanan yang mempengaruhi kesejahteraan individu dan keluarga.
IKK dideskripsikan sebagai profesi yang interdisipliner dan multidisipliner, dengan pentingnya keluarga sebagai inti (core) dari segala sesuatu yang dilakukan oleh para profesional di bidang tersebut (Kieren, Vaines & Badir, 1984; Vaines, 1980; Pendergast, 2005). Dalam mobilitas masyarakat global  saat ini, ada kebutuhan untuk konsisten  dalam hal bahasa umum yang diakui secara internasional. International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) meresmikan pemahaman internasional tentang home economics, yaitu: “The study of household management for achieving the highest quality of life”(IFHE, 2004). IFHE mendukung kebutuhan IKK untuk mengajarkan teori yang penting dan terpadu secara kultural untuk peningkatan kapasitas manusia, dan mengidentifikasi tantangan yang ada guna mempertahankan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik dan mengembangkan kompetensi hidup. Selain itu, IKK harus dilihat dalam konteks 'studi keluarga', dan sebaliknya, dalam konteks holistik. Deskripsi yang lebih diperluas adalah: 1) peningkatan kualitas hidup sehari-hari bagi individu, keluarga dan rumah tangga melalui pengelolaan sumber daya mereka; 2) menyoroti dampak dari dampak sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan pada pengelolaan kehidupan sehari-hari individu, keluarga dan rumah tangga; dan 3) memperluas pemahaman pandangan ekologi dari individu, keluarga dan rumah tangga di lingkungan yang lebih besar (IFHE, 2004).
The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) mengidentifikasi bahwa body of knowledge dari home economics didefinisikan sebagai konten yang memiliki hubungan langsung dengan isu-isu sehari-hari yang dihadapi oleh individu karena mereka berinteraksi dengan keluarga dan lingkungan. Hal tersebut meliputi: kebutuhan dasar manusia (basic human needs), keterampilan komunikasi, kebijakan publik, berpikir kritis, perbedaan dan perspektif global. Tema-tema khusus meliputi: makanan dan gizi, perkembangan teknologi masa depan, tekstil, perumahan, ekonomi dan manajemen, hubungan dengan kepemimpinan sosial, dan kesejahteraan (AAFCS, 2006).
Dalam kawasan Pasifik Selatan, Home Economics Institute of Australia (HEIA) menjadi pelopor penelitian di bidang home economics. Fokus utama pendidikan home economics adalah kesejahteraan manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hal ini memungkinkan siswa untuk mengatasi tantangan yang semakin kompleks yang berkaitan dengan kesejahteraan mereka termasuk yang terkait dengan pembangunan manusia dan hubungan serta penyediaan komoditas seperti makanan, pakaian, dan tempat tinggal. Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan perubahan yang akan membawa masyarakat menjadi lebih adil dan sejahtera. Home economics mewujudkan dinamika perubahan. Ketika kita bergerak melalui milenium baru, masyarakat dan juga individu membutuhkan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap yang dikembangkan dalam kajian home economics (HEIA, 2002).
Singkatnya, meskipun banyak variasi antara negara dalam implementasi home economics, ada tema pemersatu yang jelas, yaitu: 1) home economics responsif terhadap perubahan; 2) perubahan zaman memerlukan cara berpikir yang baru. Dalam hal ini khususnya adalah keterampilan berpikir kritis, berpikir reflektif, dan metakognisi; 3) Tema meliputi kesehatan, teknologi, saling ketergantungan global, pembangunan manusia, pengembangan/manajemen sumber daya; 4) individu, keluarga dan masyarakat, diri dan masyarakat diidentifikasi sebagai body of knowledge secara umum; 5) tantangan dan isu-isu sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan, dan keutuhan keluarga global; 6) tema yang lain meliputi keluarga, pangan dan gizi, persiapan makanan, manajemen dan pilihan konsumen; 7) spesialisasi termasuk pangan dan gizi, perkembangan masa depan dalam penciptaan makanan, pakaian dan tekstil, tempat tinggal, ekonomi dan manajemen, hubungan dan kepemimpinan sosial, kesehatan; dan 8) penerapan pengetahuan untuk konteks yang relevan dan otentik, termasuk persiapan makanan.
Relevan dengan uraian di atas, secara definitif, istilah home economics menurut Webster’s Encyclopedia adalah:“A science and art dealing with homemaking and relation of home to community, theory and practice concerning to the selection and preparation of food and clothing, condition of living, the use of income, the care and training children etc., also the study of teaching at Home Economics Department concerned with this.”. Definisi yang lain dari International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) mengemukakan bahwa: Home economics is the profession and field of study that deals with theeconomics and management of the home and community”.
Berdasarkan definisi di atas jelaslah bahwa home economics atau IKK tidak hanya mempersoalkan bagaimana keluarga memenuhi kebutuhan biologisnya saja. Namun juga harus dapat menjalankan perannya sebagai bagian masyarakat, dapat menjadi tempat pendidikan anak-anak, sekaligus mampu menjangkau kebutuhan lain, yaitu kebutuhan psikologis, sosial dan spiritual.

Tinjauan Ontologis, Epistemologis, dan Aksiologis IKK
Gambaran tentang body of knowledge juga perlu dikaji dari tiga komponen dasar. Tiga komponen dasar tersebut adalah: (1) apa yang dikaji (ontologi), (2) bagaimana cara mendapatkannya (epistemologi), dan (3) untuk apa ilmu tersebut dipergunakan (aksiologi) (Surisumantri, 1984).
Bagaimana dengan IKK? Dalam kelompok ilmu, IKK dapat dimasukkan ke dalam ilmu sosial terapan. Sebagaimana pendidikan, yang merupakan aplikasi berbagai konsep ilmu-ilmu sosial murni, seperti itu jugalah IKK. Parker (1980) menyatakan bahwa IKK sebagai ilmu yang tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, namun menggunakan hasil penelitian dari ilmu lain, baik ilmu murni maupun terapan, seperti fisika, kimia, bakteriologi, biologi, antropologi, psikologi, sosiologi, ekonomi, kedokteran, ilmu gizi dan ilmu pendidikan. Selain sebagai cabang ilmu pengetahuan, bidang lain juga berkaitan erat, seperti agama, etika dan estetika. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan bahwa IKK merupakan suatu ilmu yang interdisipliner. Ilmu ini dapat berkembang karena ada pandangan bahwa segala bidang ilmu pengetahuan hendaknya diamalkan untuk mencapai kehidupan yang sejahtera (Winarni dan Luthfiyah, 1997; Nurlaela, 2010).
Gambar 1: Beberapa Cabang Ilmu yang Mewarnai IKK
(Rifai, 1983; Winarni dan Luthfiyah, 1997; Nurlaela, 2010)

Segi ontologi IKK sudah cukup jelas, yaitu ilmu yang mempelajari tentang kehidupan dan penghidupan manusia, baik sebagai individu anggota keluarga, maupun sebagai anggota masyarakat. Sebagai ilmu, IKK mempunyai objek forma, yaitu: kehidupan keluarga dengan segala aspek untuk mencapai kesejahteraan keluarga. Bidang garapan IKK menurut Rifai (1983) meliputi: (1) hubungan intra keluarga, (2) kesehatan mental keluarga, dan (3) bidang material. Bidang material mencakup: perawatan anak; perawatan remaja; perawatan pasien; perawatan ruang dan taman; pemilihan, pengolahan, dan penyiapan makanan; pemilihan, pembuatan dan pemeliharaan pakaian; penampilan personal; pengetahuan barang, dan sebagainya.

Gambar 2: Bidang Material IKK

Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, seorang ahli IKK menyatakan bahwa:
“Home economics is a field of formal study including such topics as consumer education, institutional management, interior design, home furnishing, cleaning, handicrafts, sewing, clothing and textiles, cooking, nutrition, food preservation, hygiene, child development, and family relationships. It prepares students for homemaking or professional careers” (Phillips, Robert, Editor-in-Chief et al. 1971).
Untuk mempertegas eksistensi keilmuan IKK, perlu dipertanyakan apakah belum ada cabang ilmu lain yang mengkaji masalah tersebut? Parker (1980) mengemukakan bahwa IKK bukanlah satu-satunya bidang yang mempelajari aspek kehidupan keluarga, namun merupakan satu-satunya bidang ilmu yang memusatkan perhatiannya pada “seluruh” aspek kehidupan keluarga. Psikologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia; Sosiologi terutama memperhatikan kehidupan manusia dalam hubungannya dengan masyarakat, sedangkan ilmu kesehatan berusaha memperbaiki kesehatan manusia dan masyarakat. Antropologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tingkah laku manusia sebagai makhluk bio-sosial, yaitu sebagai makhluk yang berbudaya. Dibandingkan dengan IKK, maka IKK memusatkan perhatiannya langsung pada kehidupan manusia dan keluarga dengan segala aspeknya. Dari uraian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari segi ontologi, keberadaan keilmuan IKK dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.
Bagaimana ditinjau dari epistemologinya? Sebagai ilmu, dari segi epistemologi kebenaran IKK sudah cukup mantap. Selama ini para ahli IKK (home economist) telah mengembangkan berbagai teori yang sudah tervalidasi secara universal. Dengan demikian dapat dikatakan telah ditempuh prosedur keilmuan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Metode pengumpulan data seperti observasi, eksperimen, survei, dan lain-lain banyak digunakan dalam penelitian-penelitian bidang IKK. Berbagai bidang menjadi sasaran penelitian, misalnya makanan, pakaian, perumahan dan perabot rumah tangga, masalah jual-beli, pembagian dan penggunaan sumber-sumber keluarga, dan lain-lain, juga termasuk pendidikan/pembelajarannya.
Dari segi aksiologi, keberadaan IKK sebagai cabang ilmu juga sudah mantap, baik ditinjau dari segi normatif seperti terkandung dalam misi yang diemban, maupun pelaksanaan nyata yang telah berlangsung selama ini.
IKK yang diamalkan melalui PKK, baik formal, informal,  maupun nonformal, telah banyak memberi sumbangan dalam membawa peserta didik menjadi manusia yang dapat mengembangkan diri secara optimal, sejalan dengan bakat dan minatnya masing-masing. Dengan demikian diharapkan mereka dapat memiliki kepribadian seimbang, berjiwa makarya serta bertanggungjawab terhadap kesejahteraan keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara.
Sesuai dengan  "IFHE Position Statement 2008 - Home Economics in the 21st Century", Home Economics meliputi dimensi atau area praktik: 1) sebagai disiplin akademis untuk mendidik ilmuwan baru, untuk melakukan penelitian dan menciptakan pengetahuan baru dan cara berpikir untuk profesional dan untuk masyarakat; 2) sebagai wadah untuk hidup sehari-hari dalam rumah tangga, keluarga dan masyarakat untuk mengembangkan potensi pertumbuhan manusia dan kebutuhan manusia atau kebutuhan dasar yang harus dipenuhi; 3) sebagai area kurikulum yang memfasilitasi siswa untuk menemukan dan mengembangkan sumber daya mereka sendiri dan kemampuan untuk digunakan dalam kehidupan pribadi mereka, dengan mengarahkan keputusan profesional mereka dan tindakan atau mempersiapkan mereka untuk hidup; dan 4) sebagai wadah sosial dalam rangka mempengaruhi dan mengembangkan kebijakan untuk melakukan advokasi bagi individu, keluarga dan masyarakat untuk mencapai pemberdayaan dan kesejahteraan, serta untuk memfasilitasi masa depan yang berkelanjutan.
Dari sumber yang sama diperoleh pernyataan bahwa bidang IKK meliputi: 1) child development and guidance, 2) consumer education, 3) food and nutrition, 4) individual and family health, 5) Fashion, Textiles and Apparel, 6) Family and Human Development, dan 7) Housing and Furnishings.
Di Indonesia, Pemberdayaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga sebagai gerakan pembangunan masyarakat dimulai sejak diselenggarakan Seminar Home Economics di Bogor pada 1957, yang menghasilkan 10 segi kehidupan keluarga. Selanjutnya pada 1960-1961, sebuah panitia antar departemen yang terdiri dari departemen pendidikan dan kebudayaan (depdikbud), departemen kesehatan (depkes), departemen pertanian (deptan), departemen sosial (depsos), departemen agama (depag), departemen dalam negeri (depdagri), dan organisasi wanita, menyusun tata susunan pelajaran PKK. Hasilnya adalah Rencana Pelajaran PKK, yang materinya “Sepuluh Segi Kehidupan Keluarga”. Di antara rentang waktu tersebut, yaitu pada 1961, kementerian pendidikan, pengajaran dan kebudayaan, menetapkan 10 segi kehidupan keluarga sebagai kurikulum PKK yang diajarkan di sekolah-sekolah dan pendidikan masyarakat sampai sekarang. Sepuluh segi kehidupan PKK itu meliputi: 1) Hubungan intra dan antar keluarga, 2) Mengasuh dan membimbing anak, 3) Makanan dan Gizi, 4) Pakaian, 5) Perumahan, 6) Kesehatan, 7) Keuangan, 8) Tatalaksana rumah tangga, 9) Keamanan lahir dan batin; dan 10) Perencanaan sehat.

Masih Layakkah PKK Bernaung di Bawah FT?
            Menilik dari uraian di atas, berdasarkan pada kajian historis, filosofis, dan body of knowledge IKK, nampak jelas bahwa PKK sangat dipaksakan bila tetap berada di bawah naungan FT. Namun bila penolakan usulan PKK menjadi FIKK dikarenakan alasan efisiensi, apa boleh buat. Meski sesungguhnya hal tersebut mengorbankan sesuatu yang lebih berarti dari sekadar efisiensi, yaitu pengembangan keilmuan bidang IKK.
            Menurut Cambridge Dictionary, fakultas adalah "a group of departments in a college that specialuze in a particular subject or group of subjects."  Sedang dalam Oxford Dictionary, fakultas diartikan sebagai "a group of university departments concerned with a major division of knowledge, eg.‘the faculty of arts’, ‘the law faculty’. Definisi secara umum adalah, "a division within a university comprising one subject area, or a number of related subject areas."  Berdasarkan definisi tersebut, PKK yang subject area-nya berbeda dengan jurusan keteknikan (teknik sipil, teknik mesin, teknik elektro, dan sebagainya), seharusnya tidak berada dalam satu fakultas yang sama.
            Di Ohio State University, dan juga di beberapa universitas di Amerika (misalnya Michigan State University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Florida State University), Home Economics, yang juga disebut consumer and family sciences, memiliki level mulai dari sarjana, master, dan doktoral. Di University British of Columbia, Home Economics berdiri sebagai fakultas tersendiri dengan nama Home Economics Faculty. Di banyak negara, sebagaimana sudah disinggung sebelumnya, eksistensi PKK atau home economics begitu kuat. Kekuatan tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh keleluasaannya dalam pengembangan akademis-keilmuan, dan juga dukungan otonomi dalam pengelolaannya. Salah satunya karena mereka berdiri sebagai sebuah fakultas.
            Home economics atau PKK adalah sebuah payung yang besar. Di bawahnya, bernaung berbagai program studi. Setidaknya, saat ini, beberapa program studi tersebut adalah tata boga, tata busana, tata rias, ilmu gizi, pariwisata, perhotelan, usaha perjalanan wisata, dan sebagainya. Jumlah mahasiswa seluruhnya, hampir di semua LPTK, sudah setara dengan jumlah mahasiswa satu fakultas. Sumber daya yang tersedia, dosen dan tenaga kependidikan, sudah sangat layak sebagai modal mengelola sebuah fakultas. Begitu juga dengan sarana-prasarananya serta pembiayaannya.
            PKK hanya perlu izin untuk bisa berdiri tegak menjadi fakultas PKK, entah dengan nama apa pun. Menjadi sebuah fakultas artinya harus mampu mengelola diri-sendiri, mencari sumber-sumber untuk menghidupi diri-sendiri, tentu saja dengan memanfaatkan berbagai sumber yang tersedia, serta mengupayakan dari sumber-sumber pendanaan yang lain. Tidak mudah pasti. Namun memberi kesempatan dan peluang itu kepada PKK, patut menjadi pertimbangan pihak-pihak yang berwenang. Dalam usianya yang tidak muda lagi, meskipun tidak terlalu tua, PKK telah cukup memiliki bekal pengalaman untuk mencoba melepaskan diri dari tempatnya bergantung selama ini, dan menjadi sosok dengan jati dirinya.

Surabaya, 25 April 2019

Selasa, 07 Maret 2017

The Teaching And Learning Of Home Economics With Problem-Based And Character-Based Learning Models

Luthfiyah Nurlaela[1]
PKK-FT Unesa

Abstract: Home Economics is one of many courses taught at almost every university having Home Economics Education/HEE (Indonesian: PKK) Study Program, particularly at the Institute of Education for Teaching Professionals/IETP (Indonesia: LPTK). This is the basic knowledge of HEE/PKK that must be learned by all students of HEE; whether they concentrate on Food & Beverage, Clothing Management, or Make up Science. Unfortunately, at present, Home Economics is considered as just an obligation. Students are obliged to take the course, and be done with it. As in most other courses, in learning Home Economics, students are positioned as listeners, absorbing lots of information, in a dull learning condition. This doesn’t encourage students to solve problems. Therefore, in learning Home Economics, a different learning model is needed as an alternative; a model that provides opportunities for the potential development of the students and the lecturer. One model being suggested here is Problem-Based Learning. This model has general characteristics: providing students with authentic and meaningful problems, which will enable students to conduct research and inquiry (Ibrahim and Nur, 2005; Sweller, 1988; Hmelo-Silver & Barrows, 2006 ). Besides this problem-based learning model, the learning of Home Economics can also be based on characters. Character education is a vital part of national character building. In addition to that, character education is also expected to become the main foundation in reaching Indonesia Emas 2025 (Golden Indonesia 2025). Character Education becomes the focus of education in all levels of education, including university level. The objectives of this paper are: (1) to describe the learning model of Home Economics that has been implemented so far at the Department of PKK FT Unesa; (2) to identify  the weakness and the obstacles of it; (3) to describe an idea of a possible implementation of problem-based and character-based learning model for Home Economics subject. 

Keywords: Home Economics, Problem-Based Learning, Character Building

Home Economics is one of the subjects being taught at almost all universities having Department of Home Economics Education, especially at the Institute of Education for Teaching Professionals/IETP. Home Economics has become the main source of Home Economics Education, which must be thoroughly studied by students of related departments, either those who concetrate on the study of Food & Beverage, Clothing management, or Makeup Sciences.
The teaching and learning of Home Economics becomes so crucial in this current globalization and technological era, becuase its main purpose is to provide strong bases for students about the importance of family unity and welfare. The philosophical bases about the significance of Home Economics subjects are: (1) democratic life of a family helps establish a democratic nation; (2) democratic life of a family emphasizes the importance of mutual cooperation among family members to build a satisfactory life; (3) satisfaction in life becomes a very important aspect in the development of an individual as either a member of a family or a community; (4) harmonious life among family members is very important to establish family happiness and welfare; (5) every family has different beliefs about social and economic values, becuase such beliefs depend very much on the intended purposes and mission of the family. Thus, the quality of family life depends relatively on the understanding about the values of life of the community where the family is living; and the family can do and perform the best with its own human resources to help develop the nation (Rifai, 1983; Nurlaela, 2010).
            However, Home Economics -which has been formally taught since play group level up to tertiary level of education, either integratedly with other subjects or on its own- is likely to have lost its essence. Home Economics being taught at tertiary education, particularly at the Department of Home Economics Education at universities, has been a mere compulsory subject, which must be programed by the students. As happens to all subjects, the teaching and learning of Home Economics does not facilitate students to perform collaborative learning with their peers to develop their ‘higher order thinking’ skill.
The importance of Home Economics, as a subject, is closely related to character building. Budirahayu (2001) states that formal education, which has so far been given at schools, is not oriented to character building, but rather to the heaps of knowledge that burden the students without reference to reality or real life. Minister of Education (in Daulay, 2002) states that education has paid little attention to the character building of the students. In line with the previous opinion, Madjid (in Parji, 2002) states that Indonesia is in danger because people are not used to applying and performing ethics in their daily life. The impact of attention-lacking to such morality is that some community members tend to become ill-tempered, malicious, dishonest, selfish, anarchic, provocative, job-madness, vandalis, vulgar, and behave negatively in the community (Sukaryono, 2004).
            To find solution for this phenomenon of serious moral cricis in Indonesian social life, the establishment of nation character and ethics education is very important. It must be developed as a medium to build the nation and its character (nation and character building). One way to develop nation character is through the teaching and learning of Home Economics.
The teaching and learning of Home Economics has been organized in such a way to focus on the students (student-centered) through the development of group discussions and assignments. However, lecturers-students’ activities are still monotonous and unchallenging, which, in turn, makes the teaching and learning of Home Economics fruitless and lose its intended targets. The skills that are expected as results of the teaching and learning of Home Economics are: students will have the understanding of Home Economics, they will be skillful in organizing individual and family resources, they will have professional attitude necessary if they become future manager of a family, and they will have knowledge and skills for relevant professions in Home Economics. In addition to that, Home Economics is also expected to help develop students as potential human resources, who can establish ethics and moral as the bases of their daily life.
Those goals cannot be reached with the current model of teaching and learning, which contains some weaknesses. The students’ presentations and discussions have become monotonous activities with no contributions in the development of students’ creativities. Teachers can motivate students to get involved maximally in students’ presentations and discussions, but the quality of students’ assignments, papers, and proposals are still quite low. Consequently, the students’ achievements are relatively poor and far from expectation.
Therefore, there must be substantial attempts to formulate and implement other alternative models of teaching and learning, which may facilitate students and teachers (lecturers) to develop themselves. One recommended model is the application of problem-based teaching and learning. This model is selected and recommended because it is considered suitable to the characteristics of the materials of Home Economics. In addition to that, the practical activities of teaching Home Economics are also suitable to the principles of the problem-based model. This will ease the designing of the teaching and learning activities of the subject.
 Problem-based learning model has general characterictics, among others is providing students with authentic and meaningful problems, which may help and ease them in developing research and inquiry skill (Ibrahim dan Nur, 2005; Sweller, 1988; Hmelo-Silver & Barrows, 2006 ). In addition to the general characteristics, this model also maintains its specific characteristics; such as the presentation of questions or problems for students to solve, the focus on the interrelatedness of various relevant knowledge, the authentic research, which produce learning products that can trigger students collaborations with their peers. The authentic problems are those that can be found in every day life, which solutions of them can be directly and practically applied. Authentic problems will attract students’ interests because such problems are related directly to their practical lives. This means, by promoting and integrating the authentic problems in Home Economics subjects, the teaching and learning activities will be interesting and fruitful.
Besides problem-based learning model, the teaching and learning of Home Economics is also designed to be character-based. Character building has been made as one of the purposes of national education program. Article I of the 2003 Regulation of the National Education Systems (Indonesian: UU Sisdiknas tahun 2003) states that one of the main purposes of national education program is to develop and maintain the potentials of students: their intellectuals, personality, and morals. Such an important message of the 2003 Regulation sparks an idea that education is designed and dedicated to create Indonesian people who are not only intellectually smart, but also have good characters. In shorts: a future generation with moral and religious values.

The integration of Characters into the Teaching and Learning of Home Economics
Home Economics, in Webster’s Encyclopedia, is defined as “A science and art dealing with home making and relation of home to community, theory and practice concerning to the selection and preparation of food and clothing, condition of living, the use of income, the care and training children etc., also the study of teaching at Home Economics Department concerned with this.” Soedarmo and Sediaoetama (1987) point out that Home Economics is a science focussing on the study of family life and factors affecting it, and finding out the ways to improve the quality of family life for the prosperity of the family. This opinion is in line with the definition put forward by the  American Home Economics Associations (AHEA) in which home economics is defined as the science and art which have close relation to the improvement of the quality of a family, which means that (1) it focuses on family, and (2) it matches and combines scientific and human approaches to help individuals face any possible changes and then utilize the existing technology to improve their lives (Parker, 1980).
Home Economics, as a part of science, is actually an integration of various sciences. Parker (1980) states that Home Economics cannot stand alone as a science, but it uses research findings from various different sciences, such as physics, chemistry, bacteriology, biology, anthropology, psychology, sociology, economics, medical science, nutrient, and education. In addition, Home Economics is also related to religion, ethics, and aesthetics. Thus, it can be said that Home Economics is an integrated subject. This subject (or science) can develop widely because of the view that all knowledges or sciences should be applied to get better and prosperous life (Winarni dan Luthfiyah Nurlaela, 1997; Nurlaela, 2010; Nurlaela, 2011).
Home Economics also provides some basic knowledge to obtain and develop a family skill or profession, which may be employed as a medium to generate income. This is in line with the definition of Home Economics provided by the International Federation for Home Economics (IFHE) that “Home economics is the profession and field of study that deals with the economics and management of the home and community”.
As part science and part skill, Home Economics supports the practice of family life to reach the goal of the family itself, that is, family welfare. It is believed that family welfare becomes the basis of the establishment of a prosperous community. A peaceful world also depends on the welfare of any individual member of the community, who –first of all- lives in the family. It can be said, then, that family is the foundation of a nation/country. A family unit has a great potential and contribution to the development of a nation/country. This is because home and family have great impacts on the development of ethics and moral of the children. So, family is far more contributive to the development of a nation/country than any other institution.
Home Economics, in any form of teaching and learning activity, is given to the children since their childhood to their adulthood, either in formal, informal, or non-formal setting. In formal education, Home Economics is taught since kindergarten or play group level. The teaching and learning of Home Economics is generally intended to build a good habit of life in the family and its surroundings. It is taught through games and relevant functional trainings, such as greetings, saying thank you, washing hands, and asking for permission to do something. In this context, education is focused on the development of ethics and the widenning of life experience, as well as developing life skills. This level of education becomes a bridge between education in the family and education at  elementary school.
At elementary education level, Home Economics helps children acquire basic knowledge and habit of how to live in the family and the community. This can be obtained through (1) development of good habits that have been taught at kindergarten or play group schools, (2) development of habit in cooperation among the peers on the basis of love and responsibility, and (3) development of behavior and understanding about the importance of beauty and cleanliness.
The teaching and learning of Home Economics at elementary school is conducted integratedly with other existing subjects at school. At this level of education, the teaching and learning of Home Economics gives students opportunity to develop their personality, to adapt with surrounding environment, to be physically and mentally healthy, and to appreciate and practice the best values of life. Home Economics teaches students to become family members, who can easily adapt with changing condition in the family and its surroundings. Through teaching and learning activities, students are expected to develop their sensitivity towards cooperation, and their relevant skills to face reality of every day life.
Home Economics at junior and senior high schools (Indonesian: SMP/SMA) functions as a medium to develop understanding about life and family life. Home Economics, at this level of education, facilitates students to develop themselves as useful members of the family and society. This subject can be presented as an individual subject, or be made as a part of a subject, or be integrated with other subjects; such as Religion, Nationality, Science, Social Science, and Language. Home Economics can also be presented in the forms of non-curricular activities, such as UKS, School Canteen; and  other extra-curricular activities, such as Boy-Scouting.  Home Economics is intended for both female and male students, either individually or in group. Home Enomics may be presented by integrating and matching it with current real condition at school; for instance, through the teaching of being responsible for classroom and schoolyard cleanliness. Students organizing certain school activities is also a way of teaching Home Economics.
Home Economics at Vocational School (Indonesian: SMK) is intented to help students develop their understanding and skills in family life that may be useful after they finish school. It is called life-skills. Home Economics, in this level of education, functions to facilitate students develop their capacity to work, maintain themselves in the work (job) that they have chosen, or to get better job.
Meanwhile, Home Economics at the tertiary level of education is presented more as the extention or elaboration of the previous materials presented at junior or senior high schools. Most activities in this subject are focussed on observation, research and indepth study of all aspects of family life. They are also integrated in a professional study as those performed at the Faculty of Professional Teachers, the Faculty of Medical Science, the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Language and Arts.
Based on the previous explanantion, Home Economics has actually taught character in the implementation of its teaching and learning activities, right from the play group up to the tertiary levels of education. Characters that are developed through this subject, among others, are honesty, responsibility, self-confidence, competence of developing cooperation, communicative competence, and scientific attitude. However, the development of those characters is not more than as a nurturant effect, that is, it has not yet been designed as the instructional effect.
In character education, there is a substantial need to develop cores of ethical values, such as honesty, justice, care, responsibility, and self-esteem; together with other supporting values, such as seriousness, high work-ethics/ethos, and persistence. Therefore, schools should be responsible and be committed to develop students’ characters based on those values. They should also define those characters operationally in the forms of practical daily attitude and behaviour at schools, exemplify the values, discuss them, use them as the bases for developing human relations, and appreciate as well as apply the values in the community (Bashori, 2010).

The Teaching and Learning of Home Economics at the Home Economics Department of the Faculty of Engineering, the State University of Surabaya
            At university level, Home Economics belongs to the group of ‘skill’ subjects (Indonesia.: MKK). This subject is due to be programed at the even semester (first semester) at all study programs at the Department of Home Economics covering the study programs of Food Science, Clothing Management, and Makeup Science. Home Economics is taught at the first semester with the intention that new students (freshmen) can get the gist, coverage, and scientific methodology of their future study earlier. Another objective of the early presentation of this subject is that students would understand more comprehensively that Home Economics is a science, so that it has to be developed scientifically.
The number of freshmen who should program this subject at the first semester, for each study program, is usually about 50 students. The number can be bigger when students who failed the subject in previous semester and trasfering students (from D3 to S1) also join/take this subject again. Thus, to overcome problem of teaching a big class,  students are split into two groups or classes (class A and B).
The targeted competence in Home Economics, based on the current syllabus, are the mastery of the basics of Home Economics as the main source of Home Economics Education, the concept family and family life, and the introduction of research methods in the field of Home Economics Education. This subject is described to consist of: 1) Home Economics and the function of home economics; and 2) family and family life. Home Economics is further described as covering basic terminologies of Home Economics as a science, field or coverage of study, and the usefulness of Home Economics. The description of family and family life consists of: definition, the form and function of family; family welfare and family policy to achieve welfare; family unity, recourses and activities.
Based on the previous competence and description, the materials of Home Economics may be described as including: 1) basic terminologies of Home Economics; 2) background of Home Economics Department in various education institutions; 3) definition, form, and function of family; 4) definition of welfare and family welfare, and the factors affecting family welfare; 5) kinds and intencity of family needs; 6) definition, kinds and the development of family resources; 7) activities in family life; 8) family life in relation to nation life; 9) steps of conducting research and methods of collecting data of family problems; 10) compilation of research proposal; and 11) seminar of research proposal.
The lecturing activities consist of: 1) materials presentation and discussion; 2) compilation of simple research proposal; 3) and seminar of the research proposal. The evaluation for this subject covers: 1) class participation; 2) assignment; 3) mid-semester test; and 4) final semester test.
At the stage of materials presentation and discussion, students are split into nine groups, following the number of teaching materials. Each group gets one material (topic). The assignment of each of the group is writing a paper on the basis of the relevant material, prepare the presentation in the form of power point, present and discuss the material (topic) in the classroom. The quality of the paper and the power point is assessed as the score of assignment, and the students’ activities in the class discussion and presentation is assessed as the score of participation. In the activities of writing a research proposal, students are guided and supervised to formulate research questions in the field of Home Economics, particularly those related with the ten (10) family activities such as: inter- and intra- family relationship, looking after children, food and nutrient, clothing, housing, health, finance, home management, social security, and health planning. The main purpose of compiling and writing this simple research proposal is to uncover the students’ views about the authentic problems in the field of Home Economics. Furthermore, the seminar of the proposal is presented during the two last sessions in the semester. The main intention of this seminar presentation is to give students the opportunity to share and then learn how to solve problems through scientific study or research. The resolutions of problems raised in the proposal should be matched with the role and function of Home Economics as a subject in tertiary education, that is, to observe, to study in-depth, and to develop the understanding of all aspects of family life. This seminar is assessed as the component of the score of participation.

Identification of the Weaknesses and Problems in the Teaching and Learning of Home Economics
            Based on the implementation of the teaching and learning of Home Economics in the Home Economics Department, the Faculty of Engineering, the State University of Surabaya, it is found that the teaching and learning of the subject has been conducted using  student-centered model. The lecturers do not become the only resources of knowledge. The students are facilitated to develop their own knowledge and ideas, and to collaborate with their peers to use the learning resources. The students are also given the opportunity to express their ideas. So, they are not only trained to develop their communicative skills, but also their competence to solve existing problems, especially when they are supposed to answer questions put forward by their peers.
However, there is still a  problem, which is that such kind of teaching method has been implemented monotonously in every classroom session. No matter how sophisticated a learning method is, it could become conventional if performed monotonously in the classromm for the whole semester. This is likely to happen because the students get used to the same method of teaching throughout the semester. In turn, they will consider it and implement it as a boring routine. Consequently, such method will not be challenging anymore and will tend to be  monotonous.
Typically, a lecture starts with a short explanation about the nature and the importance of the materials. This is followed by the students’ presentations (in group) about various theoretical concepts in relevance with the existing materials by using LCD. Each group should appoint a moderator, a presenter, and a note-taker during the presentation. Everyone in the discussion has the same opportunity to present and put forward his/her ideas as well as to answer questions that might be raised by other students. Along the discussion session, the lecturer should act as a facilitator; but because of some problems, the lecturer very often takes part in answering the students’ questions, and thus he/she is no longer functioning as facilitator.
The problems appearing from the application of such method of teaching are: 1) the students of the presenting group play more role in the discussion, and it is very often that they do not master the presented materials well; 2) because of the little mastery of the materials by the presenters, the discussions do not run smoothly, because lots of time are spent by the presenting students to discuss the materials among themselves to find answers to the questions; 3) because the presenters are not completely prepared with the materials, other members of the class are reluctant to ask or raise questions.
The above problems have made the lectures monotonous and unchallenging, although they have been set up as student-centered lectures. The other implication is that the time for the discussion cannot be spent effectively. Consequently, it results in the little significance of the products of learning. More over, the assessments, which are so far based on paper and pencil test model, fail to motivate students to study Home Economics deeply. The students tend to just learn the materials by heart without focussing on the problem solving model.
The Application of Problem-Based and Charater Based Teaching and Learning of Home Economics
            The current teaching and learning of Home Economics still encounters many problems: it lacks of students’ active participations in classroom, the assessment is mostly done by using paper and pencil test model, and it is not oriented to problem solving model. Here is why another alternative and innovative model of teaching and learning of Home Economics is needed.
Research on the advantages of applying an innovative model of teaching and learning has previously been conducted and it is proved that such a model can improve the quality of learning achievement. Some characteristics of contextual method of teaching and learning are appreciating students’ experience in the teaching and learning processes and facilitating students’ competence to solve problems (Blanchard, 2001). It is proved to have contribution to the quality improvement of the teaching and learning of food and beverage management in the Tourism Department of Vocational School (Nurlaela, 2001). Method of material presentation with Competency Based Training (CBC) model, which is mostly oriented to the students’ competence and performance (Nurlaela, 2002), has a great impact towards students’ enterpreneurship competence (Marsudi dkk, 2003; Basuki dan Luthfiyah Nurlaela, 2004). It can also improve and increase the quality of the teaching and learning of ‘table-setting’ sub-competence and food and beverage services (Kamariyah, 2003).
The quality of the processes and the products of teaching and learning at elementary school level increase significantly with the application of the thematic model. It should be noted that the thematic model accomodate as much as possible the student variation or differences, giving a chance for the development of collaborative learning activities and the class-based assessment (Suryanti dkk, 2004; Nurlaela, 2007). The problem-based teaching and learning model is proven to give positive contribution to the quality improvement of the students’ cognitive, problem-solving, and collaborative competence (Koh, 2008; Hmelo-Silver, 2004; Amstrong, 1999). The characteristics of teaching and learning models are oriented to students. Cooperative/collaborative activities, authentic assessment, and contextual problem-solving are among the characteristics of problem-based model. This model does not only give positive impacts towards the students’ knowledge and skills, but also to the development of their attitude and behavior.
For this purpose, the application of the problem-based model is then very crucial. It facilitates students to face and solve authentic problems, in which they are required to seek for alternative solutions to the problems. In performing these, the students are forced to apply their problem-solving, higher order thinking skills, and collaborative skills.
The problem-based model has general characteristics, that is, it offers students with authentic and meaningful problems, which provide them useful clues for conducting inquiry and research. In addition, this model also has some specific characteristics, such as: it constantly raises questions or problems, it focuses on the integration of various subjects, it enables authentic observation, and it produces certain relevant products of learning and collaboration. The authentic problems are those which may be found in daily life, and the solutions to the problems are useful for those who solve them (Ibrahim dan Nur, 2005). The syntax of the problem-based teaching and learning is as follows:

Table 1. The syntax of the problem-based teaching and learning model
Teachers’ Behavior
Stage 1
Students orientation to the problems
Lecturer explains the objective of the teaching and learning, explains the required logistics, motivates the students to actively involve in the problem solving activities of the problems they have chosen.
Stage 2
Organize the students to study
Lecturer helps the students to define and organize learning tasks regarding the above problems.
Stage 3
Supervise individual or group observation
Lecturer motivates the students to collect as much as relevant information, conduct experiment to obtain explanation and solutions to the relevant problems.
Stage 4
Develop and present the learning products
Lecturer helps students to plan and prepare the relevant learning products such as written report, video, and model; and helps them to distribute tasks to the peer students.
Stage 5
Analyze and evaluate problem-solving processes
Lecturer helps students do reflection or evalution of their observations and all the processes they go through when performing the observation.
The above stages or syntax ares applied in the teaching and learning of certain material of Home Economics, such as the material of family activities. Students are motivated to seek for relevant problems with family activities in order to fulfill family needs. In this context, the management of family resources becomes very crucial. Every problem is approached scientifically, starting from the formulation of the problems, the resolution of the related problems, up to the presentation of the students’ works/products. The teaching and learning activities are performed collaboratively. The lecturer designs the evaluation and the products of learning as well as possible so that the evaluation is not only based on paper and pencil test but also on portofolio. Through this teaching and learning model, the expected character can be designed and planned in such a comprehensive way, including the methods of observing and measuring the characters in the teaching and  learning activities.

Closing remarks
The conclusion of this paper is that: 1) the teaching and learning of Home Economics conducted in the Home Economics Department, the Faculty of Engineering, the State University of Surabaya has been attempted to be student-centered, but it still faces some problems; 2) the teaching and learning of Home Economics includes character building, but the characters themselves have not yet been designed as the instructional efffect; and 3) the problem-based teaching and learning of Home Economics is in line with the teaching materials of the subject and is relevant to the the teaching and learning models which are currently applied at the university.
            There have to be serious commitments from the lecturers to apply meaningful teaching and learning processes, which may increase students’ active involvement in class activities and deveop students’ collaborative and higher-order thinking  skills. A well-planned teaching and learning program can be the appropriate alternative to obtain that goal.

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[1] Prof. Dr. Luthfiyah Nurlaela, M.Pd, Professor in Home Economics Education, Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, State University of Surabaya.